Setting Benches TPS
- Setting bench designed for setting hand-held measuring instruments and replace a complete set of ring gauges.
- Used for checking internal and external dimensions of upto 1000 mm.
- Typically used with comparative measuring instruments such as dial gauges, lever-type dial test indicators or 2-point bore gauges.
- Very simple to use: enter the value and the mobile slide will automatically position itself at this value.
- Special adapters help to position the instrument, so becomes very easy and quick to use and human errors can be avoided.
- For versions with dimensions over 1000 mm, please contact TESA.
- Measuring force: 240 N
- Maximum permissible errors : ± (1,5 + L/100) µm, L in mm
- Repeatability: 1 µm
- Resolution: 0.001 mm
- Data output : RS 232
- The maximum permissible errors (MEPs) were obtained at a temperature of 20° ± 0,5°C and relative humidity of 50 ± 5 %.