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  • The software allows reading in measured data from all IBR interface and measuring instruments to MS-Excel.
  • The data can be assigned freely to the cells of any Excel Workbook.
  • Afterwards the collected measured values can be statistically analyzed by control charts histograms, statistical data etc.

  • Simple and easy handling.
  • Characteristic or components dependent data collection.
  • Measured value collection by data key on gauge, by function keys on PC or by foot switch on interface.
  • Automatic assignment of measuring inputs to columns or cursor controlled data collection in Excel table.
  • Date and time information can be stored together with measured data

  • Display of up to 20 measuring inputs on numeric and column displays with programmable tolerance limits.
  • SPC elements (control chart, histogram, and statistical data).
  • Time triggered data collection.
  • Zero – adjustment and calibration of measuring inputs.
  • No limitation of standard Excel functions (eg. Calculations with collected measured values, usage of diagram functions.)

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